Concurrency Design Patterns

Concurrency Design Patterns

As tasks are not very widespread, people may not have sufficient examples to start working with tasks instead of mutexes. This article tries to help with this by providing a series of design patterns that can help ease the adoption of task systems, and that may, at the same time, improve general concurrency design skills. Even more fundamentally, it tries to show how applications can be designed for concurrency.

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The Global Lockdown of Locks

The Global Lockdown of Locks

In my previous Overload article I showed how one can achieve great speedups using tasks as the foundation for concurrent programming instead of locks. The one thing that is not clear is whether one can use tasks for all the concurrent algorithms. Tasks may be applicable to certain types of problem, but not to all problems. This article tries to complete the picture by showing that all algorithms can use tasks and there is no need for locks.

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Refocusing Amdahl's Law

Refocusing Amdahl's Law

At this point, I’m decided to pass most of my articles to Overload. I still have the freedom to talk about the topics that are close to my heart, but I also get all the benefits of publishing in a peer-reviewed journal. I highly appreciate the high-quality feedback coming from the reviewers, and the professionalism of all involved. Respect!

This article is proof that one can achieve high speedups by using task-based concurrency rather than locks. I personally was delighted with the results after working our the formulas.

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Deconstructing Inheritance

Deconstructing Inheritance

Another article I wrote appears in Overload: Deconstructing Inheritance.

The article tries to perform a critique of Inheritance as it is present in mainstream OOP. We look from multiple points of views on the Inheritance relationship, and we show that, at a closer inspection, it doesn’t reach up to the promises it makes. The article touches the simple problem of the Rectangle and Square, it discusses the parallel with the is-a relationship, and it shows how the Liskov Substitution Principle runs against inheritance.

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